Understanding technical debt: A CTO's Guide for Startups and SMEs – part 1

Technical debt – what is it and why does it happen?

If you're part of a startup or a small to medium-sized enterprise (SME), you'll know that developing software can sometimes feel like a high-stakes game. You've got deadlines to meet, resources to manage, and an ever-growing list of features to deliver. In this three-part blog series, we'll simplify a concept that's often overlooked but can significantly impact your tech objectives: technical debt.

What's technical debt, and why should you care?

Technical debt is like the hidden interest on a loan you took to build your software. It accumulates when you choose the quicker, easier route during development, knowing it might create problems. Or it's when a team is too focused on developing new features. Like financial debt, technical debt isn't necessarily bad in small amounts and for short-term gains. But, if left unchecked, it can escalate into a massive problem.

Here's why you should care: Technical debt can slow down your development process, make it harder to maintain your software, and ultimately hinder your business's growth. It's not just a concern for developers; it has real business implications.

Origins and causes - Why does technical debt pile up?

There are several common reasons why technical debt builds up:

  1. Tight deadlines: The pressure to deliver quickly often leads to shortcuts. Developers might skip tests, take shortcuts in coding, or avoid necessary *refactoring to meet deadlines. This quick-fix approach can accumulate debt quickly.

    *Refactoring is the process of restructuring code while not changing its original functionality. Developers use refactoring to improve internal code by making small changes without altering the code's external behaviour.

  2. Resource constraints: In startups and SMEs, resources like time, money, and people are often limited. When you can't afford to do things the "right" way, you accumulate technical debt.

  3. Lack of expertise: Sometimes, you might not have the expertise in-house to make the best technical decisions. This can lead to solutions that become debt over time.

Types of technical debt

Now that we understand why technical debt happens, let's look at the different types. It's not just one-size-fits-all; it can manifest in different ways:

  1. Code-related debt: This is the most common type of technical debt. All those quick and dirty coding hacks make things work now but might cause problems later. It can include redundant and messy code or even just poor naming conventions.

  2. Architectural debt: This is like building a house on shaky foundations. If your software's core architecture is flawed or lacks scalability, you're accruing architectural debt. This can lead to performance issues, costly redesigns, and slow progress.

  3. Documentation debt: Documentation isn't just an afterthought; it's vital for understanding and maintaining your software. If you skimp on documenting your code, you're accumulating documentation debt. This can impact onboarding new team members and stop you from resolving issues efficiently. Watch the Scryla Snack Break video on the importance of documentation and planning when developing software.

The cost of technical debt

You might be wondering, "So what if we have a bit of technical debt?" Well, let's talk about the long-term consequences and costs:

  1. Reduced stability: This is probably the biggest impact technical debt can have on a platform and organisation. Code can quickly become unmanageable with shortcuts and common code used in places original developers hadn’t planned for. This can lead to what’s known as spaghetti code. Just like spiralling spaghetti, it can become very hard to follow and almost impossible to understand the impact of changing it. The whole “law of unintended consequences” kicks in at this point. You pull one piece of spaghetti, and it moves another piece somewhere else leading to a reduction in platform stability and the risk of bugs. And let’s face it, no one likes bugs in their pasta!

  2. Increased development time: As technical debt builds up, developing new features or fixing bugs takes longer. Developers spend more time navigating the maze of quick fixes, making your software less agile.

  3. Maintenance challenges: The more technical debt you have, the harder it is to maintain your software. Bugs become like grey hairs– you pull one out, and two more appear. It's a never-ending cycle of firefighting.

  4. Reduced agility: In the fast-paced world of startups and SMEs, agility is a superpower. Technical debt, however, weighs you down, making it difficult to pivot, adapt, or seize new opportunities.

Technical debt is a common challenge in the world of software development. The costs are real and can reduce your development efforts, increase maintenance problems, and stifle your business's growth.

In Part 2 of this series, we'll look at strategies to manage and mitigate technical debt, so stay tuned!

Meanwhile, remember that a little technical debt might be unavoidable; being aware of it is the first step to keeping it in check. So, stop what you're doing, assess your tech landscape, and make informed decisions that balance speed and sustainability. Your software – and your business – will thank you for it.

Alternatively, contact Scryla; we have experience managing technical debt for businesses like yours. 


Understanding technical debt: A CTO's Guide for Startups and SMEs – part 2


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